Monday 11 October 2010

e-fundraising - a core strategy or a bolt-on gizmo?

Interesting isn't it? The consultants group at the Institue of Fundraising are holding what looks to be a really interesting meeting on 24th November with some really good speakers. We try to do the same at LSBU each year with guest speakers looking at the latest trends and what's working well. As do a number of other organisations. Problem is it all changes so quickly, doesn't it?

Well at the risk of being labelled a ludite I wonder if it does. It goes without saying, (well ought to) that one must consider the changing state of technology and our uptake of it and that must be built into our communications strategies to avoid redundancy and being unnecessarily overtaken. However first into the market rarely triumphs. Remember Betamax and later the video laser disc both technologies that were superior to those that followed and cleaned up. I'm not sure if its the hare and the tortoise or simply following the first entrants and making a better job of it. Either way you have to be well informed but an element of risk aversion and pragmatism makes a compelling argument.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, "The world will beat a path to the door whoever makes a better mousetrap" but not necessarily the person who tries to eradicate mice altogether.


  1. I've never been a fan of using the "e-" prefix. Digital fundraising is simply fundraising using certain widely available and widely used tools.

    We don't refer to newspaper ads, direct mail and inserts as 'paper-fundraising'.

    So, digital has a very important role in fundraising. But it's not the only approach or channel.

  2. Good point Howard, it's perhaps as I was postulating digital is simply part of the mix and must be considered in context not alone.
