Monday 3 September 2012

Congratulations, you have been awarded a substancial grant!

Always a delight to get a letter, phone call or email confirming that you've been succesful (again!) with one of your carefully crafted, researched and produced, fundraising application to a grantmaker.

However what if you didn't actually apply?

I've just found out that I'm the lucky recipient of a substancial grant from a very large Foundation. Problem is, I didn't apply and like the lottery if you don't apply (or buy a ticket) you don't stand a chance. OR do you? We get unsolicited gifts so why not an unsolicited grant? Stands to reason if you're being successful and creative with your marketing communications doesn't it?

Sadly however the Dove Foundation is the latest incarnation of the classic Phishing email. Respond with all your bank details for the transfer and bingo, you're the one out of pocket. Interesting twist on an old con. Just like a fundraiser really?

Beware Geeks bearing gifts!

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