Wednesday 9 November 2011

Street Canvassers or Chuggers - Is Richard Coles right or as grumpy as me?

Following the Rev's outburst against Street Canvassers at last week (Guardian 28/10/11) the media are having a frenzy about the antics of fundraisers who pursue people onto buses and the like! Personally I suspect dirty tricks! What canvasser in their right mind would think high pressure works in persuading people to give money away?

I was on the Tony Livesey show last night on Radio 5 and we discussed the efficacy of canvassing. The reality is, of course, that it recruits younger givers (donors give blood and party parts) who won't respond to traditional DM or even DRTV. Properly managed it's an important part of the mix. Alexi Short took the opposite stance and suggested that we can do other things as canvassing is too intrusive, threatening and possibly expensive. Interestingly I note that her charity, Winston's Wish that doesn't use street canvassers has about a 42% investment rate so they certainly aren't doing it all with volunteers and coffee mornings!

I tried to make the point, that even the Rev does't get, is that rather than ignore canvassers (who likes to be ignored after all?) people simple need to make eye contact, smile and say no thank you, I've made my charitable donations for this month and walk on. Those who haven't perhaps might ponder why and if they would feel less guilty if they did make informed decisions about who to support.

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